

Eagle Eagle

Monkey Monkey

Vulturine GineaFowl Vulturine Ginea Fowl

Unknown5 Unknown

Bustard Bustard

Hornbill Hornbill

CrownedCranes CrownedCranes

Eland Eland

Lion Lion

Zebra Zebra

Weaver Bird Weaver Bird

Jackal Jackal

Shrike Shrike

Baboons Baboons

Plover Plover

Buffalo Weaver Buffalo Weaver

Ostritch Ostritch

Go Away Bird Go Away Bird

Elephants Elephants

Grey Woodpecker Grey Woodpecker

Yellow Bird Unknown

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MutanT - - - - - Neil and Kristen - - - - - JFWildlife

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Exploding Dog - - - - - Weebl And Bob - - - - - Dilbert

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